Tuesday, June 18, 2013

How Do Police Investigate Cyber Bully Cases?

Have you ever wondered how police in real life trace emails and locate and identify cyber stalkers? Is it really like they show on those TV CSI cop shows? Unfortunately no, in real life there are many limitations on local police when it comes to locating and identifying cyber stalkers. On tv you'll see a high tech computer crimes lab full of expensive equipment and manned with dozens of officers. In reality a local police dept computer crimes unit may be as small as one officer and one computer.
Wen a victim of a cyber bully becomes concerned about their safety and well being they will usually turn to the local police dept. Once the local police take that compliant several things may happen. hey may choose not to investigate further thinking that it is not a serious enough threat to devote manpower and recourses to investigate further.

If they do deem it a serious threat they may assign your case to an investigator, perhaps in their computer crimes unit or maybe just an investigator that normally investigates harassment and stalking cases.If the crime crosses over state lines they may refer your case to a federal agency such as the FBI to investigate. depending on the nature of the threat and other factors.
But the typical response by any law enforcement is usually the same. They will investigate the incoming email threat by opening up the headers and obtaining the IP address from within the header. Then they will take that information and use a common tool like samspade.org or dnsstuff.com to run the IP address through a"whois" feature and discover what Internet Service Provider (ISP) is associated with IP Address or Internet Protocol Address.

At this stage of the investigation law enforcement has a huge advantage because they can take the documented threat or harassment in the form of an email and present it to a judge as probable cause to issue a search warrant. That warrant will be served upon the Custodian of Records of the ISP, They will be compelled to turn over detailed information about the billing, location and activity of that person or people associated with at IP Address.

The problem for law enforcement at this stage is proving who that actual person was physically at the keyboard at the time the alleged crime took place. The suspect can claim he was not there that day, that many people borrow the computer or that several people live at the address and they call share the computer. This is why it's so difficult for law enforcement to make arrests and prosecute these kids of cases without getting a confession from the suspect. Unfortunately it's not as high tech and quick as you see on TV crime shows where to police are able to use some type of computer program to instantly identify a person from an email or IP address.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6417876

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6417876

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Is It Legal To Read My Spouses Deleted Text Messages?

Every where you go these days you'll see people constantly texting on their cell phone. All this instant communication and the new fad of sexting has the normally jealous spouse on a war path to see exactly what their husband or wife is texting about on their cell phone. They suspect their spouse of infidelity and inappropriate texting and want to read their secret messages. The question we want to address in this article is whether it applies to cellular forensics and recovering deleted text messages from a cell phone.

All this suspicion and jealousy has given rise to fly by night quick buck artists that are offering all kinds of cell phone apps that claim will allow you to eavesdrop or record your spouses cell phone activity. The problem is that not only don't these apps work as advertised they also seem to be illegal. In fact recently several of the companies have been served with subpoenas to turn over their business records which would include their client lists names, addresses and phone numbers. Now I'm no lawyer but a careful reading of 18 U.S.C. 2510. Chapter 119 would lead the average layman to conclude that it is illegal to intercept and read another persons communications.

So it seems clear that installing an eavesdropping app on a spouses cellular phone will get you in hot water. But how about a forensic examination of a cell phone to recover deleted texts? Most private investigators that specialize in this type of work have received calls from clients where it becomes clear that the client is stealing some one else's property in an attempt to read their private communications.

This is clearly illegal. But however the spouse has the consent of the other party or is the legal owner of the phone and has the legal authority to examine the phone then there should be no problems. Unless however the examination of the cellular phone uncovers some other illegal behavior such as child porn or other illegal activity.

But it would appear from a careful reading of the law that cell phone forensics is legal and lawful if the examiner has the permission and consent of the legal owner of the device,. So with their consent the deleted text messages can be recovered, the client can share that information with whoever they wish since they are the owner of the phone.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6164365

Friday, February 8, 2013

Can You Get Deleted Cell Phone Texts Messages Without A Subpoena or Court Order?

If you have accidentally erased or deleted a text message from your cell phone it should be a very simple matter to contact your cell phone carrier and get a copy of that deleted text messages from your billing records. Right?

Unfortunately it's not a simple process at all. Most cell phone carriers do not have that information available on your bill. You may be able to see the number that the text was sent to or received from but not the actual content of the text message. Other carriers will not even store the content of the message on their server and if they do it may only be for a few months. Now even if you get lucky and your carrier does save your messages and they do store them they still will not release the content of your own text messages to you unless you serve them with a court order or subpoena. That's right, for your own information you will need a subpeona.

The only hope you may have to recover your own selected text messages is a process called cell phone forensics. This is a procedure to forensically examine the internal memory and SIM card on your cellular device to extract and undelete the deleted text messages. This information will then be reduced to an easy to read report. It may seem like a big ordeal. After all you are only seeking to read your own text messages but unfortunately due to new privacy laws passed in the last few years it's nearly impossible to get any cooperation from your carrier to help you get your texts back.

The Telephone companies have become increasingly uncooperative in helping their subscribers in this area. In fact most times when you call the customer service dept or visit the store where you purchases your phone the representative will have no clue at all about cellular forensics and will tell you it's impossible to recover deleted text messages. They will say that once it's deleted it's gone forever. This is simply untrue. Other well meaning sales people might refer you to a SIM card reader. But unfortunately many phones do not store the texts on the SIM and if they do it is only a very small portion of the data available from a cell phone data recover process. maybe as little as the last number dialed or last text sent or received.
The procedure to have your deleted texts recovered is quite simple and inexpensive. You simply need to locate a reputable private investigator or data recovery specialist.

You send them your cell phone and they will perform the forensic examination and data recovery. Your phone is returned unaltered and undamaged., You will receive a report that will contain all the data recovered from the phone. This can be much more than just the deleted texts. If can also be pics, voice mails, videos, call logs and other deleted data.

In most cases the cellular forensic consult can testify in court as an expert to support his report should the occasion ever arise. But in other smaller courts like Family court, small claims or TPO court just submitting the report in a motion as an exhibit could be sufficient. If you have a case that may be going to court you should always consult with a competent attorney.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===> http://www.emailrevealer.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman  

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Do You Suspect An Ex Is Spying On Your Computer?

Do you think your computer is hacked? Someone is spying on you and reading your private email correspondence? Not by a stranger trying to commit identity theft but by an ex lover or ex spouse that is simply obsessed or perhaps trying to get an advantage in a divorce or custody litigation. If you suspect you've been hacked you may not be paranoid. It may be a fact that someone has hacked your computer and is reading your email. This can be extremely unsettling.

There are many ways a person can spy on your computer. They can install a key logger or steal your passwords through the use of Trojan virus emailed to your email address. The person doing this does not have to be a computer expert. There are many products that can be purchases over the Internet that will enable an obsessed stalker to spy on your email communications. So today anyone can hack a computer.

If you suspect this the first thing you may think of doing is throwing away your computer. Thinking that it will solve your problems. But if they already have your passwords it will be a simple matter to get right into the new computer system. In fact this course of action may cause you to tip off the stalker and alert him to cover his tracks.

Another solution would be to go off-site and use another computer at the library to change all your passwords first and then throw out the old computer. But by doing this you could be destroying all the evidence you had against your stalker. If you want to catch your stalker in the act you need to set a trap. This is not as hard as you may think.

This can be done with a service called a Hacked Email Account Investigation. This type of investigation will set up a trap in your email account to document any unauthorized access into your email account. This investigation can then trace that information right back to the stalker and locate and identify him. The next step is to reduce all this information to a report and turn it over to law enforcement for prosecution.

This investigation can be completed in as little as 24 to 48 hours, and will not alter any hardware or software on your system. In some cases the same PI can expand on this investigation and perform a forensic examination of the computers hard drive to document even more evidence for the prosecution of your hacker.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Ed Opperman is Pres Of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you suspect someone is reading your emails you need a hacked email account investigation. Visit http://www.emailrevealer.com to locate or identify the hacker.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6418522

Monday, November 26, 2012

Ed Opperman launches New accurate Information Recovery FaceBook Page

Please visit and like my new page for Accurate Information Recovery Inc, my cellular digital forensic company based in NV.

I'm going to highlight my involvement in the Congressional Investigation and Hearing into Secret Service Misbehavior in Colombia, the Howard Stern 100 Email Trace Investigation, The Tiger Woods Case, Charlie Sheen case, Aston Kutcher case as well as my investigation into Todd and Sarah Palin sex scandal.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

Can A Husband Or Wife Spy On Their Spouse's Emails?

By Ed Opperman

Article Word Count:

you suspect your husband of infidelity you may be tempted to hack into
his email account in order to read his private emails. This could be a
huge mistake. Even if you suspect your man is cheating you do not have
a right to invade another persons privacy with email hacking. In fact
recently a husband who logged onto his wife's email account was
arrested and is now facing up to 5 years in prison.This man is
being charged with felony computer misuse, and faces up to five years
in prison after logging into the email account of now ex-wife on a
shared laptop using her password.So while it may be tempting to
try to do it yourself when investigating infidelity it's really
something that's best left up to the professionals. A professional
investigator will know what is and isn't legal when investigating
infidelity. Had this man consulted with a professional he could have
saved himself a great deal of time, money and aggravation.There
are many legal ways through digital forensics to obtain evidence of
infidelity. There are also methods to trace emails to online dating
sites and social networks that will return the evidence of infidelity
you are seeking. if a professional is investigating and obtaining this
evidence they will know how to carefully document their efforts and
maintain a chain of custody so that the evidence can be used in court.As
an investigator many times a client will contact me and ask me to get
their spouses email passwords or commit some other kind of crime. As a
professional it's up to me to explain what can and cannot be done
legally.Computer forensics, cell phone forensics, Internet
infidelity searches are just a few ways to legally recover evidence of
cheating spouse activity. But these are only a few of the things a
professional investigator can do for you to expose a cheating spouse.
Legally.It's so important to remember that every step taken in
any investigation must be done in complete compliance with all the
applicable laws. Before consulting with a private detective be sure to
ask if they have experience in this field of investigation. Be wary of
online web sites offering do it yourself spy gear and wire tapping
equipment. while it may be lawful for them to sell the devices it still
may be illegal for you to misuse the equipment to spy or your husband
or wife.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. If you need help with a Computer Hard Drive Examination investigation visit http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source:

Monday, October 31, 2011

Online Dating Sites and Dealing With an Unwanted Stalker

ou are one of the millions of people that are using online dating sites to meet potential mates you are probably aware of some of the creepy crazy people that try to contact you through these web site. It only takes a few days on these sites to start receiving emails from people that are either rude, crude, irrational or unstable. Most sites offer a feature to delete, block or report these kind of people but what about the people that can put on a great act and sound quite normal in the first few initial emails? Those are the ones we must really beware.

If you are planning using an online dating service there are some very simple inexpensive initial steps you should take before you get started. These are steps you can take to protect your privacy and security. First you soul set up an anonymous non descriptive email address just for use in signing up to online dating sites. Second would be to purchase a prepaid cell phone that would only be used to communicate with potential dates.

Once you have taken steps to conceal your identity yourself you should think carefully about what information you want to share. First you should not use any real part of your name. You should not use your actual zip code but one close by to where you want to date. You should not give your place of employment or even too much description of what you do if it could reveal too much. Even the pictures you post must be carefully scrutinized.

If you are on a dating site you will want to post an image of yourself. If you don't you won't get any responses at all. But to protect yourself make sure it does not include a pic of your, home, car, employment, school or anything else that could reveal too much identifying information. It is better to be safe than sorry so even a pic that could reveal a neighborhood landmark is unwise. Before you make your ad live go over every detail, try to think like a stalker. A first name and zodiac sign is enough information for a database search to locate you.

These are all the preemptive steps you should be taking before you ever place your first personal ad. These steps are imperative in protecting your privacy and safety. In the next of this series of articles we will explore the steps you should take before responding to an ad, talking on the phone and meeting in person. After that we will discuss how to react to a person you believe could be dangerous or a stalker.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===> http://www.emailrevealer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ed_Opperman

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6160682