Monday, October 31, 2011

Online Dating Sites and Dealing With an Unwanted Stalker

ou are one of the millions of people that are using online dating sites to meet potential mates you are probably aware of some of the creepy crazy people that try to contact you through these web site. It only takes a few days on these sites to start receiving emails from people that are either rude, crude, irrational or unstable. Most sites offer a feature to delete, block or report these kind of people but what about the people that can put on a great act and sound quite normal in the first few initial emails? Those are the ones we must really beware.

If you are planning using an online dating service there are some very simple inexpensive initial steps you should take before you get started. These are steps you can take to protect your privacy and security. First you soul set up an anonymous non descriptive email address just for use in signing up to online dating sites. Second would be to purchase a prepaid cell phone that would only be used to communicate with potential dates.

Once you have taken steps to conceal your identity yourself you should think carefully about what information you want to share. First you should not use any real part of your name. You should not use your actual zip code but one close by to where you want to date. You should not give your place of employment or even too much description of what you do if it could reveal too much. Even the pictures you post must be carefully scrutinized.

If you are on a dating site you will want to post an image of yourself. If you don't you won't get any responses at all. But to protect yourself make sure it does not include a pic of your, home, car, employment, school or anything else that could reveal too much identifying information. It is better to be safe than sorry so even a pic that could reveal a neighborhood landmark is unwise. Before you make your ad live go over every detail, try to think like a stalker. A first name and zodiac sign is enough information for a database search to locate you.

These are all the preemptive steps you should be taking before you ever place your first personal ad. These steps are imperative in protecting your privacy and safety. In the next of this series of articles we will explore the steps you should take before responding to an ad, talking on the phone and meeting in person. After that we will discuss how to react to a person you believe could be dangerous or a stalker.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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