Thursday, October 27, 2011

Deleted Data Be Recovered From An LG Cell Phone

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

By now,just from watching CSI TV crime shows, most people understand that you can recover deleted text messages from a cellular phone like the LG. But even these clients are not aware about the huge volume of other data that can be recovered through a forensic examination of the LG devoice. In this article we will describe the various information a cell phone forensic consultant can recover and brief description of how the recovered information can be used to further an investigation.

We can recover a great deal of data from an LG:

1. SMS History

Obviously most people are interested in reading the deleted text messages or SMS history. This can produce the smoking un in any investigation whether you are investigating infidelity, gambling addiction, drug abuse, teenage misbehavior or employee theft.

2. Call Logs

The call logs repot will return a list of all incoming and out gong phone numbers, the time of call, date of call and duration of the call. Today this is the only legal method of obtaining this kind of information short of serving a subpoena on the custodian of records at the cell phone service provider.

3. Phone Book

The phone book section of the LG will contain all the phone numbers stored on the phone or recently deleted numbers. A follow up investigation of these numbers can return and name and address for each number.

4. Schedules

This is a gold mine of information because this will reveal a person's daily schedule. You are not only looking at appointments entered but strange gaps of missing or unaccounted for time. When these gaps are cross referenced with times of calls and emails etc a pattern will emerge of the subjects movements and behaviors.

5 To Do List

Just as the schedule will reveal past movements and gaps, the To Do list will reveal clues about future plans and errands that may uncover evidence. Once again all this information must be cross referenced.

6. Memos

The memo section is just like schedule and to do list but just more. The more information you can recover in an investigation the better. Again we want to cross reference this information looking for missing information and gaps as well as smoking gun information.

As you can see there is much more to a cell phone forensic examination and data recovery process. It is unlikely that you will be able to read a confession on the first text you need but all the information when put together as part of an overall investigation will return real answers to your suspicions.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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