Monday, October 31, 2011

Online Dating Sites and Dealing With an Unwanted Stalker

ou are one of the millions of people that are using online dating sites to meet potential mates you are probably aware of some of the creepy crazy people that try to contact you through these web site. It only takes a few days on these sites to start receiving emails from people that are either rude, crude, irrational or unstable. Most sites offer a feature to delete, block or report these kind of people but what about the people that can put on a great act and sound quite normal in the first few initial emails? Those are the ones we must really beware.

If you are planning using an online dating service there are some very simple inexpensive initial steps you should take before you get started. These are steps you can take to protect your privacy and security. First you soul set up an anonymous non descriptive email address just for use in signing up to online dating sites. Second would be to purchase a prepaid cell phone that would only be used to communicate with potential dates.

Once you have taken steps to conceal your identity yourself you should think carefully about what information you want to share. First you should not use any real part of your name. You should not use your actual zip code but one close by to where you want to date. You should not give your place of employment or even too much description of what you do if it could reveal too much. Even the pictures you post must be carefully scrutinized.

If you are on a dating site you will want to post an image of yourself. If you don't you won't get any responses at all. But to protect yourself make sure it does not include a pic of your, home, car, employment, school or anything else that could reveal too much identifying information. It is better to be safe than sorry so even a pic that could reveal a neighborhood landmark is unwise. Before you make your ad live go over every detail, try to think like a stalker. A first name and zodiac sign is enough information for a database search to locate you.

These are all the preemptive steps you should be taking before you ever place your first personal ad. These steps are imperative in protecting your privacy and safety. In the next of this series of articles we will explore the steps you should take before responding to an ad, talking on the phone and meeting in person. After that we will discuss how to react to a person you believe could be dangerous or a stalker.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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Do Online Dating Sites Expose You To Cyber Stalkers?

Recent surveys show that almost one out of every for relationships began on an Internet dating site. So like it or not Internet dating is here and a major factor when it comes to dating and finding a romantic partner. There are many benefits to online dating but also many new dangers. Dangers that someone who is just reentering the dating scene may not even consider. But if you are considering using an online dating site you should educate yourself on the pitfalls and the steps you can take to protect yourself.

Online dating sites provide many new opportunities and conveniences. For instance a person interested in finding a potential mate can take advantage of the search features these web sites offer. They can search out a mate based on certain criteria they are seeking in a mate, such as height, weight, religion and geographic location. You can even set the search features to find a date that shares common interests or hobbies. In addition to the search features many of these web sites also have a browse feature. With this feature a person can just browse through pictures until they find one that catches their eye. They can then click on that ad and read the profile information to see if that person is a good potential match.

While these features offer convenience and instant gratification to a person that is seeking a relationship. These same types of features will also appeal to a cyber stalker. A person that has stalking tendencies will also use these search features to seek out a potential victim. Likewise they will also use the browse feature to view pictures. This could turn into an obsession for a person with certain personality traits that could be categorized as stalking behavior. Make no mistake, posting pictures and personal information on the Internet does expose you to a cyber stalker. The information you reveal can make it possible for a stalker to locate you in real life. Innocent facts about your self like your profession, hobby or zip code can be enough information for a potential stalker to track you down and make your life miserable.

There are ways you can use the convenience of online dating sites while still protecting your privacy. We will go into greater detail in the rest of this series of articles but one very effective efficient method is to screen out potential dates by using an online infidelity investigation. This way to can check out your potential date and their online activity by tracing their email address back to their online personal ads and social networking sites.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

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Saturday, October 29, 2011

iPhone Location Tracking Feature Being Used In Missing Persons Investigations

If you are working a tough missing person case it's important not to overlook cell phone forensics and deleted data recovery. An incredible amount of information can be recovered from a persons cell phone. Deleted texts, pics, contacts and emails, but with the iPhone we have the additional location tracking information. This information can go back as far as two years and can pinpoint actual addresses as well as general areas of travel for an iPhone or iPad.

Of course cell phone forensics is only one part of a missing person investigation. The investigator must still follow all the normal routine steps of investigation like credit card bills, cell phone bills, email tracing, and interviewing friends, family and coworkers. But in this article we want to focus on cell phone forensics and specifically the iPhone.

Another unique feature to the iPhone or iPad is that people that use these devices will commonly back up the files to their computer. It is not widely known butt you don't need to have the physical phone itself. The back up files can be examined and deleted data can be recovered from the files. This fact is especially important considering that many times when a person goes missing, their phone or iPad will go missing with them.

The way that the location tracking works is that the phone maintains a record of every cell tower that the phone ever hits on up a radius of 700 acres. The phone will also store every WIFI location the phone has ever connected to. This information can pin point to an exact address.

This kind of historical location tracking can be used to establish a historical routine pattern of movement for the subject. If this person has visited the same coffee shop every morning at 8 AM for two years it's likely they will return there. Likewise with dry cleaners and barber shops. These are the types of semi anonymous haunts that a person that is "on the run" or gone missing may still frequent even if they are trying to avoid being found.

Cell phone forensics, deleted data recover and iPhone location tracking are an excellent souse of information when investigating a missing person case. Remember even if the phone is missing as well you may find the back up files on their computer. These files can be examined as well.

The back up files can contain, contacts, address book, numbers dialed and SMS or text messages. This is extremely valuable information in a missing persons investigation.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Friday, October 28, 2011

Do You Know the Most Common Signs of Cheating?

If you are or ever have been married or had a steady relationship then chances are good that over time you have started to look for signs of cheating. This is because it is not uncommon for married or involved people over time to become bored with their partner. This often leads to the person seeking 'extra' attention elsewhere with someone other than their partner. Many people refer to this as having your cake and eating it too. The problem with this is that it rarely works out that way especially for the actual cheater.

Many cheaters believe that by beginning these activities through internet sources that no one will discover the signs of cheating which they display. This however is quite untrue because there are actually online fidelity investigations which can be performed. These investigations are conducted by licensed private investigators who know just what to do. In addition to this all they need to be able to do the investigation is an email address. With just this one piece of information they can find out what sites your partner visits and many other details. Among the things that can be discovered include whether the person has visited dating, sex or fetish websites and various other types of social networking sites.

Because the signs of cheating are not always as obvious as we might like, it is important to pay attention to how your partner presents himself. For example does your partner frequently clear out the internet history on their computer, do they stay up late at night after you have gone to bed to use the computer, are they overly secretive about what they are doing or do they quickly turn off the computer when you enter the room? Independently these things might not amount to much, but combined they could indicate that your partner is cheating or at the very least thinking about it.

In any event hiring a private investigator is the best course of action if you have noticed possible signs of cheating. The reason for this is simple. A private investigator can get you all the information you need to confront your partner and they can do so quietly and quickly so as not to draw attention to themselves. Once you have this information you can confront your cheating partner and leave no room for them to deny the charges against them which many cheaters are likely to do.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Spotting Signs of Cheating

There are many signs of cheating that many people often do not even notice. This is especially true when a computer and the internet are the source of the cheating behavior. Many people do not realize however that online infidelity investigations exist and make it quite simple to find out if your partner is cheating. This type of investigation can be performed using just an email address and can uncover many types of information such as which websites have been visited and how often. Internet investigations such as this can also uncover dating sites the email address has been registered with as well as swinger and fetish sites and social networking sites.

If you are looking for signs of cheating it may be a good idea to be aware of suspicious behavior from your partner. How your partner presents himself in your presence can speak volumes about his actions. Some common signs to look for include frequently clearing the internet history of sites they have visited, quickly turning the computer off when you enter the room or being secretive about what they are doing. Any of these actions could be telltale signs that cheating may be a possibility.

Once you think you have spotted specific signs of cheating the next step is to turn to a licensed private investigator to perform the actual investigation. The turnaround time for this is generally pretty fast depending on the investigators current caseload and the complexity of the specific case. Naturally the more detailed the investigation the longer it will take, but even with this the turnaround times are much faster than if you attempted to obtain this information on your own through whatever means you may have.

While it is true that many individuals actually do attempt to get this information by various methods on their own, it usually turns out to be little more than a fruitless attempt. This may not only alert your partner that you have spotted signs of cheating, but also is more often than not a waste of time. When an online infidelity investigation is conducted by a licensed professional you stand a much better chance of getting the information you are seeking discreetly and quickly. This makes it much easier to confront your cheating partner with actual proof of the information that has been found against them. This in turn makes it much more difficult for them to deny the facts.

Copyright (c) 2010 Ed Opperman

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Thursday, October 27, 2011

A Great Deal Of Data Can Be Recovered From A Samsung Besides Just Deleted Text Messages

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc
Many people think that the only information that can be recovered from a Samsung Phone is just deleted text messages. But that is not correct. Besides just deleted text messages or SMS, there is a great deal of information that can be recovered from a Samsung cellular phone. But more important that just the raw data that a forensic examination will return is the follow up investigation to analyze and cross reference the data as part of an overall investigation. When this data is carefully examined it can be pivotal in many areas of investigation. Such as infidelity, drug abuse, gambling addiction, teen sex, employee theft and even missing persons investigations.
1. Phonebook
Once the phone book data has been recovered the investigator will take every phone number entry and run them through a reverse phone search directory. We should assume that anything in there may be coded or altered to fool prying eyes.
2. Call Logs
Until the mid 90s cell phone call logs records were the state of the art in infidelity investigations. However new laws were passed making it unlawful to obtain a persons cell phone call logs without a subpoena or court order. These laws do not apply to a forensic examination of the phones internal memory. It is perfectly legal to recover and document this information. Call logs can still be the most valuable information an investigator can recover.
3. Calendar
The calendar information is crucial o an investigation. We are not just looking for entries and deleted entries we are looking for non entries. Spaces of unaccounted for times. WE are also looking for special occasions and events noted on the calendar like birthdays, anniversaries and events.
4. SMS History
Most people are already familiar with the SMS or text history from watching CSI TV crime shows. But in real life you may not find a confession on there. But when cross referenced with the calendar and call logs and appointments you may find the circumstantial evidence to prove your case. Of course you may find a smoking gun incriminating text that will close the case. But it's important to gather every last bit of information to come to the correct conclusion.
Cell phone texts messages are a great source of information in any investigation but don't overlook the rest of the data that can be recovered and cross referenced in a full forensic examination and data recovery process. An Investigator cannot be myopic. They must gather every possible bit of information and see how the overall puzzle fits together.'So do not overlook all the data that can be recovered from a Samsung.
Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>
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Deleted Data Be Recovered From An LG Cell Phone

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

By now,just from watching CSI TV crime shows, most people understand that you can recover deleted text messages from a cellular phone like the LG. But even these clients are not aware about the huge volume of other data that can be recovered through a forensic examination of the LG devoice. In this article we will describe the various information a cell phone forensic consultant can recover and brief description of how the recovered information can be used to further an investigation.

We can recover a great deal of data from an LG:

1. SMS History

Obviously most people are interested in reading the deleted text messages or SMS history. This can produce the smoking un in any investigation whether you are investigating infidelity, gambling addiction, drug abuse, teenage misbehavior or employee theft.

2. Call Logs

The call logs repot will return a list of all incoming and out gong phone numbers, the time of call, date of call and duration of the call. Today this is the only legal method of obtaining this kind of information short of serving a subpoena on the custodian of records at the cell phone service provider.

3. Phone Book

The phone book section of the LG will contain all the phone numbers stored on the phone or recently deleted numbers. A follow up investigation of these numbers can return and name and address for each number.

4. Schedules

This is a gold mine of information because this will reveal a person's daily schedule. You are not only looking at appointments entered but strange gaps of missing or unaccounted for time. When these gaps are cross referenced with times of calls and emails etc a pattern will emerge of the subjects movements and behaviors.

5 To Do List

Just as the schedule will reveal past movements and gaps, the To Do list will reveal clues about future plans and errands that may uncover evidence. Once again all this information must be cross referenced.

6. Memos

The memo section is just like schedule and to do list but just more. The more information you can recover in an investigation the better. Again we want to cross reference this information looking for missing information and gaps as well as smoking gun information.

As you can see there is much more to a cell phone forensic examination and data recovery process. It is unlikely that you will be able to read a confession on the first text you need but all the information when put together as part of an overall investigation will return real answers to your suspicions.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Other Data Besides Deleted SMS Can Be Recovered From A Blackberry

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Yes a great deal of data can be recovered from a Blackberry besides deleted texts or SMS. Usually when a client seeks out advice about recovering deleted data from a Blackberry they're focused on the text messages. They want to read all the deleted texts, usually to investigate infidelity, employee theft, drug use among family members or evidence of gambling addiction.

Here is a list and description of some of the data you can recover from a Blackberry cell phone:

1. Videos

Video evidence is gold in an infidelity investigation. For some reason cheaters, especially men, love to tale video of their elicit love affair. This evidence can be recovered and documented in the report.

2. Graphics and Photographs

The old saying is true. A picture is worth a thousand words. Find out who your spouse is cheating with and see exactly what they look like.

3 Erased Address Book Entries

This is a very valuable section of the Blackberry. You may find the name and address of a bookie, drug dealer or the other woman that's cheating with your husband.

4 Call Log Information

That includes the time and duration of calls that the individual has made and received. This is incredibly valuable information if you take the time to reverse lookup on each and every number. Use the time and date information to cross reference other scheduling data such as calendars, date books, work schedule.

5. Sext, text and SMS Messages

This is the data everyone is looking for. They want to read the content of deleted texts messages. But there's no reason to stop there when the Blackberry contains a gold mine of information.

6. Names and Telephone Numbers of Erased Contacts

The content section alone is a great source of information but if the contact has been deleted there must be a reason why. Let's take a good hard look at those erased contacts.

7. Email Addresses

Email addresses are a valuable source of information. Emails can be run through online infidelity investigation, porn addiction investigations. They can be searched on social networks. Today an email address can be as identifying data as a real name,address and phone number but sometimes it;'s even more valuable.

8. Calendar

The calendar will reveal amazing data. dates, appointments, anniversaries, birthdays. any investigator can take this information and run with it, locating and identifying people with little information. As little as a first name and date of birth.

We all realize the value of reading deleted text messages in a forensic cell phone investigation. But there is far more information to assist you in your investigation. Whether you are looking for signs of cheating, gambling, drugs or theft a cell phone examination is absolutely the cutting edge in modern day private investigations.

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics.To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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